- Also in this section:
Information provided to us will be dealt with in strict confidence and will only be disclosed to parties authorised by you or as required by The Law Society of Scotland, The Data Protection Act 1998, Directive 95/46/EC, General Data Protection Regulations, (GDPR), or any other authorised body or statute. During the course of your business we will be processing your data. Such processing will be in a lawful, fair and transparent way and in a manner compatible with your matter.
(a) For all client matters, whereby you as the client instruct us to act on your behalf, you will be entering into a contract with us in that respect. Our rights and your rights and obligations in relation to Data will be governed by that contract as recorded in the Terms of Business and Privacy Policy referred to.
(b) In order to progress your matter the Firm will also have a legal obligation to process and retain your data in relation to legislation such as Anti-Money laundering, the Proceeds of Crime and financial accounting.
(c) As an individual you have the right to ‘portability’. If requested by signed mandate the Firm will provide your data in a readily accessible and machine readable format.
(d) Document Retention: From completion of your contract the Firm will retain your data, both hard copy file and your electronic file, (where applicable), in accordance with the Document Destruction dates as noted by the Law Society of Scotland, or otherwise as required by law, unless agreed differently with you.
(e) Telephone calls may be recorded for training and evaluation purposes.