20th March 2020

Some of us have already been forced to work from home. But no matter if we find doing this simple, it is crucial that we all separate our work and home life and space.
If this is by creating times where we step away from the home desk or just stepping into the garden for some fresh air, then this will give you great work/life balance.
So, what are the positives? No commuting, no parking charges and no supermarket sandwiches for lunch. But many of us find it tough to work from home and stopping ourselves from going into home mode.
We have spoken to our staff at Munro and Noble and here are our top tips to help us working from home.
Dress as if you are at work.
This will not only get you into the mind set of work, but make you feel more professional. Doing the board report in your PJ’s is not the best. It also stops any rushing about when you realise that you have a conference with the boss in two minutes. Stay professional stay in the mode.
Create a work space at home.
It is hugely important to separate home and work when possible. One of the best ways to do this is to create a separate work area. Working at the kitchen table with the family constantly about, is not ideal. If its possible, use a specific room as your work area. The rule is that this is agreed by all in the house that this is a work area and you all stick to this. Although coffee shops are becoming the new office for many, most of us see our office as the place we do the best work.
Stick to your routine.
Its so simple to slip to home mode and watch just one more episode of your Netflix series. But try and stick to your normal work hours and schedule. If you normally get up at 6am, then maintain this. If you do this because you have a long commute, then use this time to do something else, read a book, sit with your partner, have a nice breakfast, go on your treadmill.
Start and finish your day at the times you normally do, take your lunch and breaks at normal times and not grazing throughout the day on whatever is about.
Make time to move and get out of your work space.
In order to maintain a healthy work/life balance, it’s so important to take time away. Have a walk around the garden, take dog for a walk, check on neighbours, go for a jog. Taking small breaks away from your screen will not only make you feel better, but refocus you on your work.
Keep your area clean and tidy.
It used to be said messy desk busy desk, but is that the case? During times of the threat of COVID 19 this is crucial for you and other in your home. A quick tidy up around your desk area and a simple wipe down of surfaces is crucial.
Try and stay out of the dark.
If you do need to work late, then use Dark mode
Bright lights are well known to create disruption. We all know that button on our smart phones but do we use them? These modes are there to make is easier on the eyes and creates less blue light, which is better for sleep patterns.
Last but not least, stay positive and look out for each other.
During this time of uncertainty, bad news and concern, we all need to keep going and stay positive. We all have business to run and to keep things going. We must help, share and support everyone we can. Ask colleagues, customers and friends, how they are? If you can help? Do they just want to have a chat? These simple steps will help while help.
If we can help at Munro and Noble, then please let us know. If you would like 10 minutes to chat with one of our solicitors, a financial advisor or one of our Property team, then please contact us on 01463 221 727 and we will arrange a Video Conference or call.